TRECVID 2023 Application to Participate

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CONTACT NAME Name of the TRECVID 2023 main contact person.
CONTACT ADDRESS Mailing address of the main contact person (no post office box, please)
CONTACT PHONE Phone number for main contact person
CONTACT FAX Fax number for main contact person
CONTACT EMAIL Valid email address of main contact person. This address will be subscribed to the tv23.list mailing list. Confirmation of your application will also be sent to this address.
TEAM NAME Complete (unique) team name (if you know that you are one of multiple groups from one organizaton, please consult with your colleagues to make your name unique)
SHORT TEAM ID Short (unique) team name (20 characters or less) that you will use to identify yourself in all emails to NIST
ORGANIZATION(S) Organization(s) included in the team
TEAM MEMBERS Names and email addresses of additional team members to be added to the tv23.list mailing list Please use the following format (one per line):
Pat Doe <>
TEAM REGIONS Region(s) the team comes from
North America
South America
PAST PARTICIPATION Have you participated in TRECVID before? If yes, please list the years you participated.
No   Yes  
DETAILS Please give a one-paragraph description of your technical approaches.
TRACKS In what evaluations are you planning to participate?

Guidelines for all tasks are available: TRECVID 2023 Guidelines

Ad-hoc Video Search
  • Automatic only at TRECVID
  • Automatic at TRECVID AND Interactive at VBS (Video Browser Showdown)
  • Interactive only at VBS (Video Browser Showdown)
Activities in Extended Video (ActEV)
Deep Video Understanding (DVU)
Medical Video Question Answering (MedVidQA)
Video to Text Description (VTT)
Participation Category Please indicate your participation category

Category A: Full participation - Participants will be expected to present full details of system algorithms and various experiments run using the data, either in a talk or in a poster session.

Category C: Evaluation only - Participants in this category will be expected to submit results for common scoring and tabulation. They will not be expected to describe their systems in detail, but will be expected to provide a general description and report on time and effort statistics in a notebook paper.
Terms and Conditions Please check each box below to acknowledge acceptance of the terms and conditions for participating in TRECVID.

Dissemination of TRECVID work and results other than in the (publicly available) conference proceedings is welcomed, but the conditions of participation specifically preclude any advertising claims based on TRECVID results.

All system results submitted to NIST are published in the Proceedings and on the public portions of TRECVID web site archive.

The workshop is open only to participating groups that submit results for at least one task and to selected government personnel from sponsoring agencies and data donors.

Each participating group is required to submit a notebook paper describing their experiments and results on the schedule which is part of the Guidelines. This is true even for groups who may not be able to attend the workshop.

By applying to participate you indicate your acceptance of the above restrictions.

NIST Privacy and Security Notice
Last updated: Friday, 27-Jan-2023 14:57:55 UTC