Number: 309 Rap and Crime <desc> Description: Evidence that rap music has a negative effect on young people. <narr> Narrative: The lyrics to Rap music are replete with words which degrade women, glorify drug abuse, the killing of policemen and even romanticize suicide. A crusade was begun a few years ago in which the music industry was asked "to clean up its act" because of the detrimental effect it was having upon teenagers. There were some instances in which teenagers, who demonstrated no sign of internal strife, committed suicide. The only clues to their self-destruction were notes found near the bodies with lyrics from Rap songs relating to suicide. A relevant item should include any psychological study, evidence, poll, documentation, or psychological opinion that Rap music has a deleterious effect upon young people and has led to a discernible change in personality, life style, crime, alteration of personality or any other negative effect upon the psyche, mores, and culture of teenagers.