Number: 307 New Hydroelectric Projects <desc> Description: Identify hydroelectric projects proposed or under construction by country and location. Detailed description of nature, extent, purpose, problems, and consequences is desirable. <narr> Narrative: Relevant documents would contain as a minimum a clear statement that a hydroelectric project is planned or construction is under way and the location of the project. Renovation of existing facilities would be judged not relevant unless plans call for a significant increase in acre-feet or reservoir or a marked change in the environmental impact of the project. Arguments for and against proposed projects are relevant as long as they are supported by specifics, including as a minimum the name or location of the project. A statement that an individual or organization is for or against such projects in general would not be relevant. Proposals or projects underway to dismantle existing facilities or drain existing reservoirs are not relevant, nor are articles reporting a decision to drop a proposed plan.