Tipster Topic Description Number: 145 Domain: U.S. Politics Topic: Influence of the "Pro-Israel Lobby" <desc> Description: Document will describe how, and how effectively, the so-called "pro-Israel lobby" operates in the United States. <smry> Summary: Document will describe attempts by the so-called "pro-Israel lobby" to influence United States policy. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will identify and/or discuss the effectiveness of an organization, individual, or mechanism employed by the so-called "pro-Israel lobby" to advance the interests of the State of Israel within the United States and its government. Particularly useful would be a document which shows the lobby's impact on a specific policy decision by the U.S. government. <con> Concept(s): 1. zionism, American Jews, Jewish community, U.S. Jewish leaders 2. aid to Israel, military assistance, campaign contribution 3. U.S. arms sales to Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, or Kuwait 4. U.S. supporters of Israel, pro-Israel congressman or senator, pro-Israel lobbyist, Jewish lobby 5. American Jewish Congress, United Jewish Appeal, UJA, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, New Israel Fund, Committee for Economic Growth of Israel, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs 6. Mossad, CIA, Israeli intelligence 7. dual loyalty, Jonathan Pollard, Pollard spy case, Rafael Eitan, Aviem Sella <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: U.S. and Israel </fac> <def> Definition(s):