Tipster Topic Description Number: 142 Domain: International Relations Topic: Impact of Government Regulated Grain Farming on International Relations <desc> Description: Document will show how and why national governments supervise and protect their own growers of grain and/or how these policies impact a nation's foreign trade and diplomatic relations. <smry> Summary: Document will show how or why national governments supervise and protect their own growers of grain or how these policies impact a nation's foreign trade and diplomatic relations. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will demonstrate specifically how a government anywhere in the world protects domestic production of grains (such as corn, rice, and wheat), provide the rationale for such policies (if available), and/or demonstrate the linkage between such domestic agricultural policies and a nation`s foreign trade and diplomatic relations. <con> Concept(s): 1. export subsidies, export restitution, import quotas, farm-trade barriers 2. price supports, farm subsidies, agricultural supports 3. self-sufficiency, embargo, import dependence, high quality food supply, farm interests 4. grain, animal feed, corn, rice, wheat 5. foreign trade, trade negotiations, agricultural policy 6. EC's Common Agricultural Policy, Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Zenchu, Liberal Democratic Party, LDP, U.S.'s Export Enchancement Program, food importing countries <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):