Tipster Topic Description Number: 139 Domain: International Politics Topic: Iran's Islamic Revolution - Domestic and Foreign Social Consequences <desc> Description: Document will report on the religious, legal, cultural, and social consequences of Iran's Islamic Revolution within Iran and abroad. <smry> Summary: Document will report on the religious, legal, cultural, and social consequences of Iran's Islamic Revolution within Iran and abroad. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will provide information which facilitates analysis of the non-political impact of Iran's Islamic Revolution on the people of Iran, as well as Muslims and others outside Iran. Relevant data on the religious, legal, cultural, and social dimensions of the Islamic Revolution should help describe how Ayatollah Khomeini's overthrow of the Shah impacted, and continues to impact, the lives of people. NOT relevant are reports focused on the human and economic losses associated with the Iran-Iraq War. <con> Concept(s): 1. Iran, Tehran, Qom, Ayatollah Khomeini 2. Islamic Revolution, Islamic Republic, Shiite, fundamentalism, Muslim, Moslem 3. women, chador, Islamic veil, headscarf 4. beard, village, hamlet 5. blasphemy, zealot, fanatic, repression, martyrdom, revolutionary guards 6. Salman Rushdie, Nazia Hassan, writer, artist, singer, television 7. NOT politics, NOT war, NOT elections, NOT international relations <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):