Tipster Topic Description Number: 138 Domain: International Politics Topic: Iranian Support for Lebanese Hostage-takers <desc> Description: Document will give data linking Iran to groups in Lebanon which seize and hold Western hostages. <smry> Summary: Document will give explicit information linking Iran to groups in Lebanon which seize and hold Western hostages. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will provide explicit information which supports (or counters) the allegation that elements in the Iranian government encourage, influence, financially support, and/or direct the activities of such Lebanese groups as Hezbollah in the taking and holding of U.S. and European hostages. <con> Concept(s): 1. Iran, Tehran, Iranian Interior Ministry, Revolutionary Guard Corps, patron, sponsor, mentor 2. Ayatollah Khomeini, Ali Akbar Mohtashemi (AKA Mohtashami-Pur), Abdollah Nouri, Hashemi Rafsanjani, Mohsen Rafiq-Dust, Hosein Sheikholislam 3. Lebanon, Syria, Bekaa Valley 4. Hezbollah, Party of God, Special Security Apparatus, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization for the Oppressed on Earth (AKA Oppressed of the Earth), Amal 5. Immad Mughniyeh (AKA Imad Mugniyah), Sheik Fadlallah, Sheik Obeid, Abed Yunis, Mustafa Khorshid, Hussein Ghabris, Hussein Khalil, Hussein Mousawi, Abbas Musawi, Hamadi 6. hostage, captive, hostage-taker, terrorist 7. kidnap, seize, hostage-taking 8. negotiate, bargain, talk, ransom, release, threat, kill <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):