Tipster Topic Description Number: 135 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: Possible Contributions of Gene Mapping to Medicine <desc> Description: Document will report on efforts to locate and describe genes linked to inherited human diseases and/or report on the potential medical contributions such information might yield. <smry> Summary: Document will report on efforts to locate and describe genes linked to inherited human diseases and/or report on the potential medical contributions such information might yield. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will report on any of the following: gene mapping research aimed at locating specific genes involved in those human diseases where genetic cause or predisposition have been implicated, attempts to describe the molecular structure and chemical defects of suspect genes (in either single gene or polygenic diseases), the development of diagnostic tests at the gene level, and research into possible treatments which might result from locating and analyzing genes involved in inherited human diseases. Reports on laboratory techniques or research projects which may aid the general fields of genetics and molecular biology, but which do not directly link the procedure or project to the study or treatment of a human genetic disease, are NOT relevant. <con> Concept(s): 1. genetic disease, inherited disease, hereditary disease 2. gene mapping, DNA sequencing 3. gene therapy, gene test 4. chromosome analysis, DNA technology, genetic marker <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):