Tipster Topic Description Number: 134 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: The Human Genome Project <desc> Description: Document will report on the objectives, processes, and organization of the human genome project. <smry> Summary: Document will report on the objectives, processes, and organization of the human genome project. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will report on the purposes, strategies, technologies, funding, and/or management of the human genome project. Although they may be scientifically pertinent, reports on general biomedical, genetic, and cell chemistry research, as well as related technologies, are NOT relevant to this topic unless they are explicitly linked to the human genome project. <con> Concept(s): 1. human genome, human genome initiative, human gene mapping 2. gene mapping, DNA sequencing 3. genetic marker, DNA segments <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s): Human Genome Project: a largely U.S. funded "big science" project whose initial purpose is to map the nucleic acid sequences within the more than 50,000 genes carried on the 23 human chromosomes. Described differently, the project "is to produce a database listing the exact sequence of three billion base pairs along a single strand of human genetic material."