Tipster Topic Description Number: 133 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: Hubble Space Telescope <desc> Description: Document will describe some design feature of the Hubble Space Telescope. <smry> Summary: Document will describe some design feature or capability of the Hubble Space Telescope. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will provide information on the instruments, components, controls, capabilities, or other technical features of the Hubble Space Telescope. Reports on delays in launching, or the actual launch of the Hubble, are NOT relevant. In addition, only initial reports which technically detail the telescope's flawed mirror, how the defect will impact the telescope's effectiveness, or how the flaw will be corrected, are relevant. Further references to the defective mirror, particularly political or non-scientific discussion of the mistake (or the project generally), are NOT relevant. Also, references to the Hubble Constant, or the scientist for whom both the telescope and the astronomical term were named, are NOT relevant. <con> Concept(s): 1. Hubble Space Telescope, HST, space telescope <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):