Tipster Topic Description Number: 128 Domain: International Economics Topic: Privatization of State Assets <desc> Description: Document discusses a current or future sale to the private sector, by a government or government entity, of a business, businesses, or shares of a business owned by the state. <smry> Summary: Document discusses a current or future sale to the private sector, by a government or government entity, of a business, businesses, or shares of a business owned by the state. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will discuss a completed, ongoing, or proposed sale to the private sector (e.g., offer to the public, or to a selected investor), by a government or government entity, of a business, businesses, or shares of a business owned by that government or government entity. The business and the government or government entity must be identified. A document which discusses privatization in general, privatization plans or a privatization program, but does not refer to a specific sale, is NOT relevant. <con> Concept(s): 1. privatization effort, privatization plan, denationalization 2. private sector 3. sale, sell, offer 4. stake, shares, stock, company <fac> Factor(s): <time> Time: Current <time> Time: Future </fac> <def> Definition(s):