Tipster Topic Description Number: 126 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: Medical Ethics and Modern Technology <desc> Description: Document will discuss ethical issues attendant to contemporary advances in medical technology. <smry> Summary: Document will discuss ethical issues attendant to contemporary advances in medical technology. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will report on non-traditional medical ethics issues which have been created by recent (post WWII) advances in medical science and/or the efforts of the medical community to deal with such ethical issues. Relevant reports include those on such issues as the decision process for selecting organ transplant recipients, whether to place or remove a patient from a life-support machine ("when to pull the plug"), whether or not to employ advanced techniques on defective newborns, and the use of fetal tissue and human cells in biomedical research. NOT relevant are reports on such traditional issues as abortion, mercy killing, and assisted suicide. Also NOT relevant are reports on the long-established legal/ethical issue of the right to privacy, as it relates to such contemporary public health problems as mandatory testing and contact tracing for AIDS. <con> Concept(s): 1. medical ethics 2. hospital ethicist, medical ethics counseling 3. triage, terminally ill, abortion, assisted suicide 4. fetal tissue, organ transplant, life support machine, artificial insemination <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):