Tipster Topic Description Number: 125 Domain: Law & Government Topic: Anti-smoking Actions by Government <desc> Description: Document will describe actions by public authorities to limit the human use of tobacco. <smry> Summary: Document will describe actions by public authorities to limit the human use of tobacco. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will provide at least one example of actions proposed or taken by public authorities anywhere in the world to limit or discourage the human use of tobacco. Limits may take any regulatory or legal form appropriate to that jurisdiction, to include sales controls, limits on advertisement, mandatory warning labels, and establishment of no-smoking zones. Court findings against tobacco companies (if any), as well as publicly financed anti-smoking campaigns and education programs, are to be considered as relevant forms of discouragement. In addition, public funding of medical research into tobacco use is relevant information. However, private anti-smoking initiatives, such as creating no-smoking areas, are NOT relevant unless traceable in origin to government action. Also NOT relevant are contradictory, pro-tobacco government actions, such as tobacco price support programs and export encouragements. <con> Concept(s): 1. tobacco 2. smoking, anti-smoking <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):