Tipster Topic Description Number: 105 Domain: Finance Topic: "Black Monday" <desc> Description: Document will state reasons why U.S. stock markets crashed on 19 October 1987 ("Black Monday"), or report on attempts to guard against another such crash. <smry> Summary: Document will state reasons why U.S. stock markets crashed on 19 October 1987 ("Black Monday"), or report on attempts to guard against another such crash. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will contain at least one reason why U.S. stock markets experienced a huge price drop on 19 October 1987, losses of equity so large that markets were said to have crashed (the Dow, for example, lost 508 points on that one day alone); the date of the crash has become known as "Black Monday." A preferable document would contain a detailed analysis of the crash. The best document would link analysis of events to actions taken or recommendations made by federal authorities or the stock markets to prevent future crashes. NOT relevant are reports which simply reference, without analysis, "Black Monday," such as anniversary stories generated by the press around every October 19th. <con> Concept(s): 1. 19 October 1987, "Black Monday" 2. New York Stock Exchange, Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, National Association of Securities Dealers 3. Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, CFTC 4. program trading, index arbitrage, futures market, portfolio insurance, specialists, margins, super DOT system 5. Brady Commission, circuit breaker <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: U.S. <time> Time: any time after 19 October 1987 </fac> <def> Definition(s):