Tipster Topic Description Number: 104 Domain: Law and Government Topic: Catastrophic Health Insurance <desc> Description: Document will enumerate provisions of the U.S. Catastrophic Health Insurance Act of l988, or the political/legal fallout from that legislation. <smry> Summary: Document will enumerate provisions of the U.S. Catastrophic Health Insurance Act of l988, or the political/legal fallout from that legislation. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will detail the content of the U.S. medicare act of l988 which extended catastrophic illness benefits to the elderly, with particular attention to the financing scheme which led to a firestorm of protest and a Congressional retreat, or a relevant document will detail the political/legal consequences of the catastrophic health insurance imbroglio and subsequent efforts by Congress to provide similar coverages through a less-controversial mechanism. <con> Concept(s): 1. Catastrophic Coverage Act of l988, Medicare Part B, Health Care Financing Administration 2. catastrophic-health program, catastrophic illness, catastrophic care, acute care, long-term nursing home care 3. American Association of Retired Persons, AARP, senior citizen, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: U.S. </fac> <def> Definition(s):