Tipster Topic Description Number: 102 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: Laser Research Applicable to the U.S.'s Strategic Defense Initiative <desc> Description: Document will report on laser research related, or potentially related, to the U.S.'s Strategic Defense Initiative. <smry> Summary: Document will report on laser research related, or potentially related, to the U.S.'s Strategic Defense Initiative. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will provide information on laser research which is either explicitly linked to the U.S.'s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, also known as "star wars") or which has potential applicability to the development of SDI laser technology. Potentially relevant research could be referred to as research into directed energy weapons, or high energy lasers, or, more generally, referred to as military laser research. A relevant document could take many forms -- award of contract, report of research results, or abstract of a professional paper on lasers. However, a document clearly focused on use of low-power lasers in consumer products, surgical instruments, or industrial cutting tools is NOT relevant. <con> Concept(s): 1. Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, star wars, peace shield 2. laser, directed energy weapon, high energy weapon <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: U.S. </nat> <def> Definition(s):