Tipster Topic Description Number: 100 Domain: International Relations Topic: Controlling the Transfer of High Technology <desc> Description: Document will identify efforts by the non-communist, industrialized states to regulate the transfer of high-tech goods or "dual-use" technologies to undesirable nations. <smry> Summary: Document will identify efforts by the non-communist, industrialized states to regulate the transfer of high-tech goods or "dual-use" technologies to undesirable nations. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will identify activities of the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Defense, and State to set policy or regulate exports of strategic goods and technologies, or it will report on similar activities by allied nations, or it will discuss technology transfer policy issues and determinations under consideration by the Paris-based COCOM. Unless explicitly related to policy issues or establishment of regulations aimed at controlling transfers of high technology goods and technologies, such events as investigations of alleged violations of COCOM rules or arms shipments in violation of embargoes are not relevant. <con> Concept(s): 1. technology transfer, export license, export controls, strategic goods, international trade security policy, high technology 2. COCOM, Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls, Japan, U.S., NATO 3. Toshiba Machine, Kongsberg Vaapenfabrik, C. Itoh <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s): 1. "dual-use" technology: a technology usable in both non-military and military products