Tipster Topic Description Number: 094 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: Computer-aided Crime <desc> Description: Document must identify a crime perpetrated with the aid of a computer. <smry> Summary: Document must identify a criminal activity involving computers. <narr> Narrative: To be relevant, a document must describe an illegal activity which was carried out with the aid of a computer, either used as a planning tool, such as in target research; or used in the conduct of the crime, such as by illegally gaining access to someone else's computer files. A document is NOT relevant if it merely mentions the illegal spread of a computer virus or worm. However, a document WOULD be relevant if the computer virus/worm were used in conjunction with another crime, such as extortion. <con> Concept(s): 1. crime, fraud 2. illegal access, corporate spying, extortion <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):