Tipster Topic Description Number: 091 Domain: Military Topic: U.S. Army Acquisition of Advanced Weapons Systems <desc> Description: Document will identify acquisition by the U.S. Army of specified advanced weapons systems. <smry> Summary: Document will identify acquisition by the U.S. Army of specified advanced weapons systems. <narr> Narrative: To be relevant, document will provide such specific information as contracts concluded, payments made to contractors, or actual deliveries to the U.S. Army of the following advanced weapons systems: Abrams Tank (M-1), Apache Helicopter (AH-64), Patriot Missile, Blackhawk Helicopter, or Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Congressional discussions of such systems, DoD budget proposals, RDT&E activities, overseas sales, component/spare parts/ancilliary equipment/services acquisitions, and system modifications are not relevant. In other words, document must report actual or agreed-to deliveries to the U.S. Army of core elements of their most modern weapons systems. <con> Concept(s) 1. U.S. Army 2. Abrams Tank, M-1 3. Apache Helicopter, AH-64 4. Patriot Missile 5. Blackhawk Helicopter 6. Bradley Fighting Vehicle <fac> Factor(s): <time> Time: current and future <nat> Nationality: U.S. </fac> <def> Definition(s):