Tipster Topic Description Number: 087 Domain: Law & Government Topic: Criminal Actions Against Officers of Failed Financial Institutions <desc> Description: Document will report on current criminal actions against officers of a failed U.S. financial institution. <smry> Summary: Document will report on current criminal actions against officers of a failed U.S. banking institution (including all categories of banking). <narr> Narrative: To be relevant, a document will discuss a recently concluded or pending criminal case being pursued by U.S. federal or state authorities against officers of a failed financial institution. Civil actions, such as creditor claims filed for recovery of losses, are not relevant. The failed institution may have been insured by either federal or state funds and may belong to any category of financial institution, e.g. bank, savings and loan, credit union, etc. Although not essential, it would be preferable if the document provided such details on the case as specific crime, losses to insurance funds, penalties imposed, etc. <con> Concept(s): 1. FDIC, bank, thrift, savings & loan, bank 2. suit, trial, restitution, default, conspiracy, audit, fraud, felony <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: U.S. <time> Time: current </fac> <def> Definition(s):