Tipster Topic Description Number: 085 Domain: Law and Government Topic: Official Corruption <desc> Description: Document will discuss allegations, or measures being taken against, corrupt public officials of any governmental jurisdiction worldwide. <smry> Summary: Document will discuss allegations, or measures being taken against, corrupt public officials of any governmental jurisdiction worldwide. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will discuss charges or actions being taken against corrupt public officials (be they elected, appointed, or career civil servant) anywhere in the world. The allegations or charges must be specific, e.g. bribes taken >from a named group or individual with a given objective, rather than generalized allegations of endemic political corruption, or moves against corporate or private malfeasance (unless linked to an official corruption case). <con> Concept(s): 1. Official corruption, public corruption 2. Bribery, prostitution, cover-up, undercover investigation, influence-peddling, illegal payment, collusion <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):