Tipster Topic Description Number: 080 Domain: Political Topic: 1988 Presidential Candidates Platforms <desc> Description: Document will identify something about the platform of a 1988 presidential candidate. <smry> Summary: Document will identify something about the platform of a 1988 presidential candidate. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will identify something about the platform of a 1988 presidential candidate: his campaign, plans, promises, philosophy, position on an issue, issue(s) important to him, or how he would address an issue if elected. The platform of an individual candidate is of interest; the party platform is not relevant. <con> Concept(s): 1. Bush, Dukakis, Gephardt, Dole, Haig, Simon, Robertson, Jackson, Kemp, Babbitt, DuPont, Gore, Hart, Biden 2. platform, plans, idea, promise, position, stance, philosophy, posturing, campaign, issue 3. presidential candidate, aspirant, contender, hopeful 4. NOT Democratic party platform, NOT Republican party platform <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: U.S. </fac> <def> Definition(s):