Tipster Topic Description Number: 079 Domain: International Relations Topic: FRG Political Party Positions <desc> Description: Document will identify at least one German political party and report some position which the party has taken in regard to a political, social, economic, military, environmental, or international objective. <smry> Summary: Document will identify at least one German political party or faction and report some position which the party has taken in regard to a political, social, economic, military, environmental, or international objective. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will report at least one goal or objective of one of the German political parties. The position will be stated clearly enough that the reader will be able to understand where the party stands on a specific issue. <con> Concept(s): 1. Social Democrats, SPD, Green Party, Christian Democratic Union, CDU, Reds, Green, Blacks, Christian Social Union 2. oppose, support, demand 3. proponents, advocates, allies 4. swing, shift, aim, goal <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: Germany </fac> <def> Definition(s):