Tipster Topic Description Number: 064 Domain: International Relations Topic: Hostage-Taking <desc> Description: Document will report an event or result of politically motivated hostage-taking. <smry> Summary: Document will report an event or result of politically motivated hostage-taking. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will report an attempt (successful or unsuccessful) to seize a hostage for some political purpose, report on hostages currently held, or report a current hostage release event. The document will identify the nationality of the victim, some identification of the perpetrators (nationality or religion), and location where the hostage-taking occurred. <con> Concept(s): 1. kidnap, seize, hijack 2. negotiate, trade, exchange, swap 3. free, release 4. retaliate 5. captivity, terrorism 6. captors, hostages, negotiator, victims <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s):