Tipster Topic Description Number: 057 Domain: U.S. Economics Topic: MCI <desc> Description: Document will discuss how MCI has been doing since the Bell System breakup. <smry> Summary: Document will discuss how MCI (Multiport Communications Interface) has been doing since the Bell System breakup. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will discuss the financial health of MCI Communications Corp. since the breakup of the Bell System (AT&T and the seven regional Baby Bells) in January 1984. The status indicated may not necessarily be a direct or indirect result of the breakup of the system and ensuing regulation and deregulation of Ma Bell or of the restrictions placed upon the seven Bells; it may result from any number of factors, such as advances in telecommunications technology, MCI initiative, etc. MCI's financial health may be reported directly: a broad statement about its earnings or cash flow, or a report containing financial data such as a quarterly report; or it may be reflected by one or more of the following: credit ratings, share of customers, volume growth, cuts in capital spending, $$ figure net loss, pre-tax charge, analysts' or MCI's own forecast about how well they will be doing, or MCI's response to price cuts that AT&T makes at its own initiative or under orders from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), such as price reductions, layoffs of employees out of a perceived need to cut costs, etc. Daily OTC trading stock market and monthly short interest reports are NOT relevant; the inventory must be longer term, at least quarterly. <con> Concept(s): 1. MCI Communications Corp. 2. Bell System breakup 3. Federal Communications Commission, FCC 4. regulation, deregulation 5. profits, revenue, net income, net loss, write-downs 6. NOT daily OTC trading, NOT monthly short interest <fac> Factor(s): Time: after January 1984 </fac> <def> Definition(s):