Tipster Topic Description Number: 055 Domain: International Economics Topic: Insider Trading <desc> Description: Document discusses an insider-trading case. <smry> Summary: Document discusses an insider-trading case. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will discuss an insider-trading case, identifying the accused/the defendant(s), as well as the government doing the investigation. It will also mention at least one of the following specifics of the case: the alleged illegal activity, whether charged with providing or using insider information, possible conspirator's role in the scheme, the monetary amount of illegal profit and of damage; if pronounced guilty, then the sentence terms, e.g., monetary penalty (cash payment), time in prison, cooperation with the government, probation, community service, being barred from the industry for a certain time period. <con> Concept(s): 1. insider-trading case 2. insider-trading scheme, illegal insider-trading activity, illegal securities transactions, white-collar crime, securities-law violations 3. insider-trading investigation, insider-trading probe 4. Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC 5. investment banking, investment banker, arbitrage, arbitrager, securities analyst 6. inside information, advance knowledge of corporate takeovers 7. leaking information, misappropriating information, leaking word, leaking news, passing a tip 8. pre-bid market activity, takeover speculation, matched-book transaction <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s): Insider Trading - Dealing in shares with the advantage of inside information. The owners of shares in a public company are all supposed to be equal - so if one of them knows that the company is about to go broke before the others and sells his shares while their price is still good, that is unfair. In many countries, including the U.S. and the U.K., it is also illegal. However, it is very difficult to prove that an investor is buying or selling shares on the basis of inside information.