Tipster Topic Description Number: 040 Domain: Finance Topic: Analyses of Savings and Loan Failures <desc> Description: Document will provide at least one reason why a U.S. Savings and Loan has failed, or why the industry generally is under stress. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document will give at least one reason why a particular U.S. Savings and Loan has failed, or is about to be closed by public authorities or acquired by another financial institution. A relevant document also could discuss problems in the Savings and Loan industry generally, citing at least one specific reason why S&L's are failing. Unless containing some level of failure analysis, a document which simply reports on political discourse about the banking industry, reveals actions by public authorities, or, provides details on asset disposition or ownership/leadership changes at a given S&L, is NOT relevant. <con> Concept(s): 1. savings and loan, S&L, thrift industry 2. Federal Home Loan Bank Board 3. Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, FSLIC 4. Federal Asset Disposition Association <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: U.S. </fac> <def> Definition(s):