Tipster Topic Description Number: 038 Domain: U.S. Politics Topic: Impact of the "Religious Right" on U.S. Law <desc> Description: Document will report on specific legal actions which reflect actions by, and the agenda of, the "religious right." <narr> Narrative: To be relevant, the document must report on laws and ordinances enacted or proposed (at the federal, state, or local levels), or legal actions taken (initial suits or appellate court proceedings) which reflect the social/political agenda of the "religious right." For purposes of this topic, relevant issues to the "religious right" are: education policy (school prayer, sex education, "creationism" in the biology curriculum, and censorship of textbooks and student publications), sexual behavior (homosexuality, sex education, and abortion), and pornography (definition of the obscene, censorship of radio and TV broadcasts, and controlling "obscene" public entertainments). A relevant document will give details on what the law, ordinance, or court case entail, whether initiated by the "religious right" or its opposition. A NOT relevant document would discuss the issue simply in rhetorical, historical, or political terms. Also NOT relevant are debates over court appointments and speculation as to how a particular nominee might vote on a given issue. <con> Concept(s): 1. scientific creationism, evolution, secular humanism, cultural relativism, sex education, school prayer 2. Supreme Court, District Court, Federal Communications Commission, FCC 3. Christian fundamentalists, charismatics, born again, religious right 4. Moral Majority, Creation Research Society, Morality in Media 5. homosexuality, abortion, anti-abortion, right to privacy, pro-choice, pro-life 6. obscenity, pornography, censorship <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: U.S. <time> Time: past, current, or future </fac> <def> Definition(s): "Religious Right:" at times the term is used pejoratively by the press, which probably coined the expression, but the religious right is a relatively large (if only partially organized) segment of the U.S. public which is church-going, religiously conservative, and reactive against trends in society which they regard to be immoral, anti-church, and anti-family. Often inspired by protestant fundamentalism (in the case of Roman Catholics, usually motivated by the abortion issue), the religious right has become identified with a set of legal, social, and political issues such as those noted above.