Tipster Topic Description Number: 021 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: Superconductors <desc> Description: Document cites a breakthrough in superconductivity research and identifies at least one commercial application. <narr> Narrative: To be relevant, a document will cite a specific breakthrough in superconductivity research, through development or use of new materials, e.g., achieving superconductivity at a relatively higher temperature (the goal being an economically practical level), overcoming current-density limitation, ability to fabricate superconductors in the shapes needed for practical applications; and will identify at least one specific commercial application. The entity which achieved the breakthrough must also be identified. <con> Concept(s): 1. discovery, breakthrough, first, development, step, advance 2. new materials, thin-film material, advanced ceramics 3. temperature 4. tiny supercomputers, magnetically levitated trains, electric cars <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s): Superconductivity - passage of electricity through a material without significant loss of energy to resistance