Tipster Topic Description Number: 013 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. <desc> Description: Document refers to Mitusbishi Heavy Industries Ltd. <narr> Narrative: To be relevant, a document must refer to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.. (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was under consideration to be the prime contractor to build the FSX advanced fighter plane for the United States military and is a member of a family of a dozen Mitsubishi companies.) A document which refers to one of the other Mitsubishi companies is not relevant. A document which refers to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. outside of the context of the FSX is relevant. <con> Concept(s): 1. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. 2. FSX <fac> Factor(s): <def> Definition(s): FSX - Fighter Support Experimental a multi-billion dollar effort to develop a build a high technology multiple mission U.S. fighter plane for the early twenty first century.