Tipster Topic Description Number: 008 Domain: International Economics Topic: Economic Projections <desc> Description: Document will contain quantitative projections of the future value of some economic indicator for countries other than the U.S. <narr> Narrative: To be relevant, a document must include a projection of the value of an economic indicator (e.g., gross national product (GNP), stock market, rate of inflation, balance of payments, currency exchange rate, stock market value, per capita income, etc.) for the coming year, for a country other than the United States. <con> Concept(s): 1. inflation, stagflation, indicators, index 2. signs, projection, forecast, future 3. rise, shift, fall, growth, drop, expansion, slowdown, recovery 4. %, billions 5. Not U.S. <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: Not U.S. <time> Time: Future </fac> <def> Definition(s):