Tipster Topic Description Number: 005 Domain: International Economics Topic: Dumping Charges <desc> Description: The U.S. or the EC charges Japan with dumping a product on any market and/or takes action against Japan for proven or suspected dumping. <narr> Narrative: To be relevant, a document must discuss current charges made by the U.S. or the EC against Japan for dumping a product on the U.S., EC, or any third-country market, and/or action(s) taken by the U.S. or the EC against Japan for proven or suspected dumping. The product must be identified. <con> Concept(s): 1. dumping 2. duties, tariffs, anti-dumping measures, punitive trade sanctions, protective penalties 3. below market, unfair, predatory pricing 4. Commerce Department, International Trade Commission (ITC), European Community (EC), Common Market 5. ruling, charges, investigation <fac> Factor(s): <nat> Nationality: U.S. <nat> Nationality: EC <nat> Nationality: Japan <time> Time: Current </fac> <def> Definition(s): Dumping - A term used in international trade, meaning to sell a product in export markets below the selling price for the same product in domestic markets. Rules created by countries to protect themselves from this practice are called anti-dumping laws. Additional tariffs that may be imposed on imports that have been dumped are called dumping duties.