TREC-COVID Submissions

TREC-COVID submissions are now closed.
TEAM ID Enter the TEAM ID supplied at the time you registered your participation in TREC-COVID Round 5. You must register for this round before any runs will be accepted.
(case sensitive)
Enter the run tag (identifier) for this run: no more than 20 characters and including only letters, digits, '_', '-', and '.' This must exactly match the run tag included in the file. The run tag must differ from your Team ID.
SUBMISSION FILE: File can be compressed using gzip, but you cannot use archive files (e.g., zip or tar)
RUN TYPE   Automatic and no prior judgments used
  Automatic using prior judgments when available
  Manual (any manual intervention apart from using existing judgments when available)
JUDGING PRECEDENCE There is a limit of eight runs per team, though only a few runs per team will be used to form the relevance judgment sets. Assign a priority to this run here; runs with smaller priorities will be selected to be part of the judging process before runs with larger priorities. If the same precedence is given to different runs, NIST will arbitrarily choose their order.
DESCRIPTION Please provide a short description of how this submission was produced (e.g., what retrieval model? weighting scheme? describe manual processing, etc.). If this is a run using the same system as a submission in an earlier round, please indicate the round number and run tag of the corresponding run here.
The information you provide in the submission form is used to identify and describe retrieval results submitted to
TREC-COVID. All information regarding the run is retained in a NIST database of runs; this database is retained indefinitely.
All information except for the email address of the submitter may be published as part of archive of TREC-COVID submissions.

Last updated: Monday, 03-Aug-2020 11:13:39 UTC
Date created: 21 July 2020